The Adventures of Miss Minerva and Mr. McGoogles

Our Shih Tzu has multiple personalities and our Scottish Terrier does too which makes for an interesting day around here.  Miss Minerva, aka Catie, is doing things she would never dream of doing before.  After all, my back is turned because I am giving all my attention to Mr. McGoogles, aka Guster,  the new Scottish Terrier.  Miss Minerva spent a few minutes to peruse the garbage in the pantry.  Note the guilty look on her face.

“You caught me…so embarrassing.”


Mr. McGoogles squeezed through the fence to get  in the chicken yard.  The girls are so startled they haven’t pecked him yet, but it was coming and they got him the next day.  He won’t be interrupting the delicate hierarchy of the chicken yard anytime soon.

“Hey kid, what do you think you’re doing?”